The Way

Scripture Reading - John 14:6 KJV

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Greetings fellow believer in the mighty Name of Jesus, for this is the day that the Lord has made we (ihlcc) will rejoice and be glad in it. We had a revelation come to us just the other day that we thought you would like to hear. The very common scripture of John 14:6 where Jesus teaches his disciples that He alone is “The Way” unto God the Father is the central theme of our great salvation. Yes and Amen, brothers and sisters in Christ. This primary truth can never be diminished or disputed, although many foolish people have tried in times past. Praise God the scripture of 2 Timothy 2:19 KJV still states, “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. Therefore we can rest assured that “The Way” to God is still and forever shall be through Jesus Christ our Lord. Today, our faith friend, we will explore another meaning of this verse, not to take anything away from Jesus the Savoir of the world but just an additional interpretation of “The Way”. Any true Bible student of God’s Word knows that the scripture is revealing Himself as we grow and develop and it is for that reason that certain scriptures speak to us differently depending upon where we are in life and how mature we are in our understanding of Christ Jesus our Lord. As we grow and develop in our love, knowledge and understanding of God we do look at God differently as we are growing (developing, maturing) in the knowledge of God’s Word, this is not because God changed it is solely because we are changing into more of the image of God. This transformation is typically a process over a long period of time because God is patience with us as we come to know Him better. Therefore today’s topic of “The Way” could be interpreted as Jesus is not only our Savoir from sin but He is also “The Way” out of every single difficult situation we are in, we were in or even shall be in in the future. The thought the Lord shared with us is that, “Before the way of escape is clearly revealed (known) it is spoken to your heart (spirit and soul) first.” Therefore, the Word of God is “The Way” because that is exactly who Jesus Is. Often we have thought of Jesus as our guiding light out of darkness. We have imagined Jesus with a machete (a large and heavy knife) cutting us a pathway out of the thick dark wilderness. We speak of Jesus being an ark of safety the leads us over all troubled waters to a safe and secure land. Yes, all these imaginations are true about the Lord Jesus because He alone is precious and worthy of all our praise. However, what we (ihlcc) have learned about God is that He has many “ways” to deliver us or help us and each “way” is different depending upon the person and the various positions (spiritual places) we find ourselves in in life. When we think back to the many times God helped us out of difficult situations and/or circumstances we noticed that His Word came first, then we had a choice of whether to believe God’s Word or reject it through unbelief or fear. Yes, we are learning the sequence of today’s reference scripture is not by chance or coincidental. No the sequence of God’s Word concerning our reference scripture is very purposeful. Jesus said “I AM the way”, the truth, and the life:” So with the basic understanding of who Jesus is we could easily substitute The Word of God or God’s Word into all three topics without any misrepresentation of scripture whatsoever. Behold, God’s Word is the Way, God’s Word is the truth and God’s Word is life. Yes, to validate this point we point to Psalms 119:33 that mentions, “Teach me, O Lord “the way” of your statutes (a written rule or regulation), John 17:17 Jesus states God’s Word is truth and John 6:63 which states God’s words are life. All this is to plainly state that “God’s Word is the Way” out of every trap and likewise God’s Word is “the way” into rescue any individual who is in bondage to sin. Yes, “The Way” is first introduced to us as truth and then once we receive this word of truth from God we give place to God’s Life flowing into us setting us free from the turmoil within. “The Way” is exactly what God said it is, or we could say He Is. “The Way of God’s Word” brings truth to our ears once we receive this truth into our hearts we then have the Life of God upon us and within us to set us free. Remember John 8:31-32 KJV which states, “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” In other words the truth you know is “the way” you come out of sin and bondage. Since “the way” of Jesus being your personal savior brought you into the Kingdom of God while at the same time delivering you out of the kingdom of the darkness this truth of “the way” works the same way for all things going on in our life. Yes, our faith friend, you will hear a word from God to bring light and that light will show you “The Way” out of surrounding darkness. Yes, that Word of Health will show you “the way” out of sickness. “God’s way” of handling money according to His Precepts and Principles will show you “the way” out of poverty and lack. The Key is you must be open to the Word of God first and this authentic word of God will be the truth but it is up to you to receive it (believe it) and speak it forth to release life into your inner man (your spirit), your mind (a part of your soul) and your body (the physical realm). This is not a matter of Jesus making “the way” totally apart from your cooperation and confession, no this is a matter of Jesus expressing “the way” to you and you deciding to follow Jesus in “The Way” of truth to produce His Life in your everyday life. So “The Way” of Jesus is “the way of truth” that produces “the way of life” for all true (obedient) disciples of Christ. Therefore do your part to look for truth because you will see (spiritually perceive) “The Way” of God and following (obedience to) that specific “way” will bring you new life. Yes, His Life for your life whenever you need it, which is every day in Jesus Christ. God’s Word speaking within is “God’s Way” into your life and you speaking God’s Word without is “the way” out of the problems you face in this life. Amen!